Explore the Vertebrate Circulatorium at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute website to find the answers to the following questions.

Explore the Vertebrate Circulatorium at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute website to find the answers to the following questions. Most of these can be answered with just a phrase or two.


Why does the blood pressure need to be low in animals with gills

What is the benefit of higher systemic blood pressure?

How many different types of hearts does the hagfish have and which one has a completely different design than all other vertebrate hearts

Which two organisms have only two chambers in the heart?

What two structures does the lungfish have for oxygenating blood

Which three organisms have two atria and one ventricle?

Which two organisms show significant mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart during its normal function

Which three organisms have two atria and two ventricles?

Which two organisms show increased mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart when diving? Why is blood shunted away from the lungs when these organisms are diving?

What two specializations cause the fetal mammalian heart to behave like the heart of a diving crocodile?