A colleague discovered a gene that is mutated in late-stage(aggressive) cervical tumors.

A colleague discovered a gene that is mutated in late-stage(aggressive) cervical tumors. He gives you a vector containing a wildtype copy of this gene that you transfect into your original cervical cancer cell line. You observe no difference in growth, cell death or any other properties in standard tissue culture tests

You inject these transfected cells, as well as the original cancer cell line(not trasfected)into different groups of mice. You observe

Primary tumors of similar size develop in both groups of mice

The original cancer cell line kills all the mice within month of transfection and dissection of these mice show tumors throughout body

The transfected cancer cell line does not kill the mice within the 6 months of transfection

Which hypotheses are suggested by these observations?

The gene codes for a protein that.

1)inhibits cell division

2)promotes cell division

3)prevents apoptosis

4)prevents metastasis

5)repair DNA

6)promotes angiogenesis