NUR 3200 Health Assessment Across the Life Span

NUR 3200 Health Assessment Across the Life Span

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute of Medicine, (IOM) introduced a two year contract in 2008 (IOM, 2010). The basis of the contract is recommendations, which will impact the future of nursing care, and include changes in “public and institutional policies at the national, state, and local levels” (Future, 2010). This essay will provide a basic understanding of the IOM’s contract, including the impact on nursing education, nursing practice in primary care, and the impact on the nurse’s role as a leader. Overview the IOM Report: Transforming Nursing Practice

The first key message of the IOM report is, “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (IOM, 2010). All patients have the right to health care that is based on their individual needs, rather than what is most convenient or affordable. A change in the health care system is needed for this goal to be acquired. Some programs transforming the health care system have already been put into works. These transformations include improving the quality of healthcare, as well as improving availability and expense of health care. Nurses possess the education and qualifications to play a key role in changing the health care system. To achieve this goal, outdated policies and regulations must be updated, the scope of practice must be broadened, and a higher education is suggested to create more advanced practice registered nurses (IOM, 2010). The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Education.

The second key message of the IOM report is, “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression” (IOM, 2010). Healthcare is continuously changing; therefore, nurses must continuously further their education in order to keep up the changes. Nursing education, both before and after the license, will have a better concept of care…
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NUR 3200 Health Assessment Across the Life Span